Monday, November 21, 2011

Eight: The Growth Process

So only hours after I grumbled through my blog entry, I gained some new perspective.  Lord knows I needed it...I wasn't feeling very cheery last week in my sweat pants, bloated belly, and ratty hair.  There are low points to being pregnant, but objectively, they seem to be "shallow"lows--balanced out by a sense of goodness and knowledge of something bigger.  I may be nauseated and tired, but it's pretty cool to know that there's a little person in my belly, and my body's just going through some adjustments.  And I have to admit--venting via blogging sure does feel better!

I gained new perspective that Monday during a visit with my co-worker, she was expressing that she was entering a major life change.  She had finally made the break from a five-year boyfriend, embraced her new city, and was making an attempt to focus on her career and self-care.  As she was telling me about her shift, she was enthusiastic but also admitted, "change is really hard".

I reflected on those words a was only hours before that I had written about the changes I was going through, and how they weren't easy.  As I listened to my friend and co-worker, I realized we were in completely different places in life, but weren't so different at all.  We were both going through some major changes in life, and quite frankly--both circumstances were a bit scary and hard.  It can be difficult entering new territory mentally, emotionally or even physically, and I decided that with these kind of changes can come growing pains.  It's the beauty of evolving into a new place, but can sometimes feel uncomfortable.

It is only when we open ourselves up to change and new beginnings, we are able to receive abundance and blessings.  It does require taking a leap of faith--believing that what comes next will be more enriching than the place before.  But once we can accept the change as organic and progressive, creating space for the process and growing pains, we are able to move into that new place much more fluidly.  It feels less scary, easier, and even peaceful.

So this insight has carried me into the new week, and the art of acceptance and presence are two concepts I'm trying to embrace.  I also found that in my case, admitting that my hormones are running wild goes a long way--and being able to laugh at the "crazy moments" that arise because of those hormones!  The pregnancy process if filled with emotions and new territories, and I'm finding new insightful tools for the journey.

This week our baby is the size of a large raspberry, and is starting to move in the womb.  It's beginning to look more like a human--losing the tail as the lips, eyelids, nose and legs are taking shape.  Mama's definitely looking for Thanksgiving this week, my food cravings have been strong and nothing sounds better than some homemade comfort food!

With the holidays approaching, last year's memory of our Christmas Eve service surfaced.  I held my baby niece while singing Silent Night with the congregation--that song brought a whole new meaning with a sleeping, peaceful baby on my shoulder.  Next year, we will be holding our 6-month old baby on Christmas Eve...what an amazing thought.

Silent Night
Holy Night
All is calm
All is bright
Round yon virgin
Mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

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